You are creative!!!

There was jungle in which there was a cave where lived a bear who used to eat one rabbit a day. There was a rumor among the rabbits that the bear has prepared a list on which the name of each rabbit whom the bear is going eat and when was there. There were three smart rabbits who wanted to know in advance that they are going to be eaten or not. They decided to go to the bear’s cave one by one and ask him whether he is going to eat them or not. The first rabbit went inside the cave and asked the bear ” are you going to eat me? ” bear just caught it and ate it then and there only. Then decided the second one to go inside. He asked the same question that “are you going to eat me?”. Bear ate it also then and there only.
The third rabbit knew that the rest of the two have been eaten, he then decided to go inside and asked the Bear ” Hey! am I on the list? “. The Bear answered “yes”. The rabbit then said “Can you please take me out of that? “. The bear said ” yes why not” and he left the rabbit alive.

What does the story tells us? what was the difference between the first two and the third rabbit? Well There is one and only difference between the two and the last one and that is ” Communication “. Isn’t it?
He put himself so differently that the bear never heard something like that before and the rabbit found that the bear can also leave him alive. Its just out of the box thinking. So what does that term mean? We all think differently inside of us but the only thing that stops us is the fear. Fear that when we fail what others will say. Fear that I cannot do this. Happens with almost all of us. When you were a kid, everything was possible for you. You would plan to fly in the sky, you would plan to be a superhero and whats even more unbelievable is you believed yourself isn’t it?. As we grow up, gather more knowledge, the fear also grows and we start doubting yourself. Do you remember the days in the childhood when you planned to climb up a tree even when you could not and after trying for some times you made it. Finally you were on the top of the tree. what is that? you believed yourself that time.

Why can’t you believe yourself now? why to doubt yourself. The famous scientist T.E. Edison invented the Electric Bulb we all know that. Do you know he failed thousands of times in man experiments before that trying out to give shape to his thoughts? Those thousand failures do not matter, what matters is that one success which came after those thousand failures just believe yourself. We always be like children, fearless, Self-believers, creative then only we can make anything possible. One does not really have to think specially out of the box, he just has to look at himself from out of the box. Just having faith that whatever idea you get can be made into reality is what matters here.ย This is the golden rule of the success believe me. There is an Einstein in each of us since we are born, he is just sleeping. Wake him up and see the world from a different perspective. Do things which were never done ๐Ÿ˜‰ !!!!!

5 thoughts on “You are creative!!!

  1. Nice 1…quite motivating n inspirational….A big thumbs up..:)

  2. come on my inner einstein wake up

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